In an interconnected, constantly moving world, reaching thousands—or even millions—of citizens requires governments to go above and beyond traditional media outlets. Providing access to services through mobile applications is therefore essential to guarantee the availability of public services and ensure that citizens have an open channel to communicate their needs and concerns. Furthermore, supporting public employees with flexible mobile tools can empower them to do increasingly more effective field work and become more efficient with their time. Subscribe now to learn more about how you can transform your organization into a modern digital workplace with Microsoft for Government.
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Consumers expect data and services at the speed of thought – think Instagram, Amazon, Uber. Technological disruption in every industry drives organizations to become agile and transparent to understand their customers at ever deepening levels. To maintain an edge in this hyper-competitive landscape, businesses must lead or fall behind.
Consumers expect data and services at the speed of thought – think Instagram, Amazon, Uber. Technological disruption in every industry drives organizations to become agile and transparent to understand their customers at ever deepening levels. To maintain an edge in this hyper-competitive landscape, businesses must lead or fall behind.
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